In recent years, the state of crisis has almost become a normal state. Artificial intelligence can help companies gain stability in these times. The BMWK research project Pairs shows how this can be achieved.
Can artificial intelligence reduce complexity in crisis situations? The PAIRS project is researching an AI-based platform that allows all actors to act in a coordinated manner for crisis management.
Civil protection needs an update. That’s why the AI projects SPELL and PAIRS hosted the Hackathon@Interschutz 2022, a platform for hackers, creatives and volunteers who are committed to strong, digital disaster management.
Video recording of the presentation by data engineer Dennis Weber on 21.06.2022 at 11:30 at the Interschutz 2022 trade fair in Hannover.
To strengthen the resilience of disaster management and supply chains, research projects “Spell” and “Pairs” are hosting a “Hackathon” at Interschutz 2022.
The crises of recent years have brought the topic of resilience into the focus of public debate. Several projects from the BMWK’s AI Innovation Competition are researching how crises can be better anticipated in the future using Big Data and AI, and how public care can be strengthened.
What is the BMWK AI Innovation Competition about?
Selected funding projects in the presentation such as “CoyPu”, “ResKriVer”, “Spell”, “Pairs”, “Aiqnet” and “Agri-Gaia”.
In the PAIRS (Privacy-Aware, Intelligent and Resilient Crisis Management) project, on the other hand, a digital platform is being developed that recognizes a wide variety of patterns in crisis scenarios on the basis of past data and thus provides a wide variety of actors with preventive recommendations for action. The funded projects in the AI Innovation Competition are the first of their kind to impressively demonstrate how artificial intelligence can make the future significantly more resilient.
The ‘Pairs’ project also aims to help identify and anticipate crisis scenarios more quickly with its learning AI platform. The service is aimed at companies and operators of critical infrastructures as well as decision-makers from politics, business and society.
The joint project PAIRS is funded as an AI lighthouse project within the framework of the “Innovation Competition Artificial Intelligence” by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).