PAIRS project: User survey

Thank you for your interest in our survey on the PAIRS project! The PAIRS project aims to provide digital services for companies to make them more resilient to crisis situations:

There are many different PAIRS services. However, you only need to respond to the service that interests you the most!

Follow these simple steps:

  1. Look at the titles of the 5 services and choose the service that catches your eye.
  2. Then watch the explanatory video (2 min) of the service. Just click on the link!
  3. Return to the survey and answer the questions (5 min).

The services you can choose from are:

Service A: AI-based Signal Detection for Crisis Management

Service B: Operational and resource planning in civil protection

Service C: Recognizing hidden problems in supply chains

Service D: Graph-based resilience assessment

Service E: Power outage forecast for energy-intensive industries


Das Verbundprojekt PAIRS wird als KI-Leuchtturmprojekt im Rahmen des “Innovationswettbewerb Künstliche Intelligenz” vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) gefördert.

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